Personal contact with you is particularly important to us. This way we can
work out the perfect solution for your tasks together with you. Best quality, decades of experience and first-class service - that's what Helima stands for with all its dedicated employees!
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Opening hours sales / administration
Monday: 7-17 h
Tuesday: 7-17 h
Wednesday: 7-17 h
Thursday: 7-17 h
Friday: 7-12 h
Opening hours dispatch
Monday: 07-14 h
Tuesday: 07-14 h
Wednesday: 07-14 h
Thursday: 07-14 h
Friday: 07-12 h
Helima GmbH
Am Deckershäuschen 62
42111 Wuppertal
E-Mail: [email protected]
phone.: 0202/70 94 0
fax: 0202/70 94 288